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Vision Digitech's 'low-frequency antenna' lowered unit cost and increa…

페이지 정보

  • 작성자 : 비젼디지텍(주)
  • 작성일 : 24-02-03 10:53
  • 조회 : 194회


The low-frequency antenna for automobiles produced by Vision Digitech, a local automotive parts manufacturer, is one of the key components required for the ‘smart key system’. Equipped with short-range communication and wireless recognition technology, this product is mainly installed on vehicle door handles or trunks. Through communication using low frequencies, it plays a role in transmitting and receiving control system signals such as opening and closing car doors or starting the engine. Usually, 4 to 8 units are installed in one vehicle. In 2016, Vision Digitech succeeded in localization of low-frequency antennas that used to be imported. By improving the production method, it is stronger against vibration and shock transmitted from vehicles compared to existing products and has secured unit price competitiveness.

It can also be manufactured in various structures, such as an integrated type without a connector, a bracket assembly type, and a type mounted on a door handle. Currently, Vision Digitech is supplying low-frequency antenna products to KG Mobility. In addition, Vision Digitech produces wiring harness, which is a component that ties together the wires that connect electrical and electronic devices by type. Vision Digitech is a main supplier to Daedong, the No. 1 agricultural machinery company in Korea.

An official from Vision Digitech said, “We are currently accelerating preparations for the future industry, such as development of wiring harnesses for electric vehicles,” and added, “We will continue to grow with our customers through change and innovation to become a company that can contribute to the local community.”


Reporter Shin Jung-eon shyoung3@imaeil.com


<Source: The Maeil Shinmun, input 3:04 PM 2022.04.06, https://n.news.naver.com/article/088/0000752528



